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Wednesday ride to Markham Grange

  • Date: 11 September 2024
  • By: Martin Crapper

I wasn’t first to arrive at the cricket club but within a few minutes we were 5 then eventually 6. It looked fine but with a cool wind and rain clouds threatening on the horizon. We weren’t deterred by the threat but did take avoiding action to avoid glass on Apy Hill and diverted by Wilsic.

We six were: Michelle, Tricia, Christina, Karen, me and with us for the first time, Dave. We wandered through the village and out along Wilsic Lane very conscious of the cold wind but the chattering was gossip not the onset of frostbite! We turned and headed towards five lane end but turned right and headed into Edlington. A lovely long freewheel almost to the traffic lights in Warmsworth. From there we went straight over towards Sprotborough stopping off by the falls for a break whilst drinks were shared!

From there it’s a bit of a blur (!) not that we were fast just forgetful. Through Sprotbrough village down by Scawsby hall and across to the outskirts of woodlands where we turned on Green lane, freewheeled down the long slope then right alongside the A1 to the café.

We enjoyed the chatting but not necessarily the cakes and were soon on our way again.

Right out of the gate and then along Roman Ridge. Back into Sprotbrough and over the river although Michelle opted to leave us there to do a bit of wandering. We went on to Warmsworth and Edlington turning towards Balby.

There’s no way to sensibly avoid Tofield lane so we just got on with it returning to Tickhill via Wilsic.

An enjoyable ride in good cycling weather.

Wednesday ride to Markham Grange