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Ladies Only Ride to Lotties Café

  • Date: 15 September 2024
  • By: Jenny Down

Riders: Jenny, Diane, Karen (C), Diana, Michelle, Kate, Tina and Karen (M)

With the weather forecast looking reasonable in the late summer sunshine we decided to squeeze another ladies ride in. It was a bit short notice with it only being advertised on social media the week before, so it was a surprise when there were 8 riders at Tickhill looking forward to the ride. This included Kate who hadn’t rode with the club since before Covid.

We all set off in good spirits up Apy Lane, the sun was threatening to make an appearance and there was a lot of chatter from behind, always a good sign. As we headed towards Braithwell and Micklebring, the chatting was still happening, but the sun had decided to hide behind some very ominous black clouds. Needless to say, it started to rain! So much for the late summer sunshine and the promised forecast of 40% chance of light rain from 1pm. It was looking like 100% chance of getting soaking wet from 9.45am again!

We safely navigated Bramley and on towards Carr, before steadily and safely descending down Bib Lane (don’t forget to enter the hill climb). At the bottom of Bib Lane the ride leader (Jenny) went off piste and didn’t look at the route on her Garmin, so we climbed up the wrong hill into Laughton – sorry about that! This was the first time heading up that way for some of the group.

Slight diversion over, we picked up the correct route and headed down the long mile towards North Anston, this was particularly grim as the rain was now bucketing down. The thoughts of a nice warm café, a good cup of coffee and a slice of cake kept the spirits up, the conversation had also reduced which is never a good sign as a ride leader. The good news was there was a tantalising bit of bright sky over North Anston, maybe the return leg would be a bit drier?

The café stop, longer than usual, helped us warm up and dry out a bit with some opting for a double helping of coffee. There was both rhyme and reason to the extended stop - the rain had stopped, woohoo! However celebrations were a little too premature, as when we left the café, to our dismay the rain had started again.

We decided to cut the ride short and head straight back to Tickhill. Karen (C) peeled off home at Oldcoats and we soldiered back to TVCHQ where we had a very wet and soggy ‘return’ photo before heading into the bar for refreshments both warm and warming.

This maybe a ride we need to revisit and enjoy in better weather.

Kudos to everyone for being so cheerful in appalling conditions – hope to see you on the next ladies ride soon.

Ladies Only Ride to Lotties Café