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Blue ride/tour of Woodsetts with a café stop at Leger Lakes

  • Date: 02 July 2023
  • By: Martin Crapper

When I arrived at the cricket club on this cool and breezy morning, there was only one rider waiting for the blue ride and he looked relieved to see me. A little while later, a couple more arrived. And that was it we were ready to go.

We were Diane Jordan, Rob Drohan, Dave Bowden and Martin Crapper, and for the first time ever, we had to stop at the cricket club gates to let the traffic past. Having done that though we headed for the Buttercross.

Left and right and we were quickly on our way the route taking us through the village and out onto the A60. We got a bit spread out on Malpas Hill, but by then those in front needed a rest anyway, so we regrouped quickly.

Just before the lights in Oldcotes we paused to give me a chance to turn my helmet camera on. Fortunately we hadn’t stopped in the bus stop because one came pretty quickly and didn’t look as though it would’ve hesitated to park over us

No paparazzi today, but as last week the route was straight ahead- once the lights had gone green, of course. We made good progress into the freshening headwind with plenty of traffic keeping us in single file. Through Langold and Carlton in Lindrick we went, turning right onto Owday Lane.

At first we expected relief from the wind - it had been in our faces so far - but no it was still in our faces and definitely stronger. Nevertheless we soldiered on doing our best to keep Rob in sight! A few hundred metres before the junction he suggested we might visit Mick Lee and we agreed that that would be a good diversion.

It would’ve been a good diversion had we known where he lived! We turned left and second right or was it third and then we went left or was it right. So we stopped and decided to go back to the crossroads and start again. From the crossroads, it was quite an easy journey to Mick’s front door. But as we got off our bikes we realised that this was where we thought we were lost earlier and went back to the crossroads!

Mick was in his man cave doing boy stuff with an old bike. He was pleased to see us and we had a nice chat to him and his wife Jaqueline. Mick had been a bit unsteady so had invested in a spin bike which is more difficult to fall off. Nice bit of kit! Jacqueline has a turbo and they exercise together in the garage.

Having said goodbye we headed off to the crossroads again and from there left up the hill politely going slow to avoid the elderly couple* who were trying to cross.

ok they may have been younger than me but only just!

Sticking to a well practiced routine I missed the turn in Dinnington but only Diane noticed and we soon made good and then were through and going up into Laughton. Benefiting from Matt Lowe’s paper round knowledge we took the quiet backroads through the village and were soon into the café.

As we were parking the door opened and Sally and Dan Moore came out. They had ordered inside and were going to sit outside. So we did the same. Coffees came to S and D first, either weak or cold or both so they went back to complain.

We all sat chatting whilst drinks, including replacement drinks, and snacks came and we continued chatting for quite a while.

Once finished we had a group photo and headed off turning left at the gate towards Firbeck. Now we could appreciate the wind, still strong but following for a change. The journey through to Firbeck was a breeze and mainly downhill so we took advantage.

We said goodbye to Rob as we turned up Thornbury Hill Lane, he going home we heading for Tickhill. The hill was a pain, gravel and potholes you expect but oversized transits never! And impatient too, so we pulled over eventually to let him pass and earned an unexpected and friendly toot.

The slope and wind had us speeding down towards the A60 which was a bit scary as the number of potholes grows almost as you approach them. But we were soon at the junction and from there I confess I belted down Malpass Hill to get enough momentum to get me up the other side. No screaming though - not like at the funfair!

We made it safely back to the cricket club for a brief chat before heading home. A short ride but good. I’m looking forward to next Sunday.

Blue ride/tour of Woodsetts with a café stop at Leger Lakes