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Blue ride to Worksop

  • Date: 21 May 2023
  • By: Martin Crapper

Sunday was always going to be a good day, the forecasters all said so. So I turned up at the Cricket club in my summer gear intent on taking advantage. There were already a number of like minded blue group riders waiting including John who was pumping his tyre up after a flat on the way in.

Chris Sidwells was interviewing anyone prepared to talk. We all now know which of us is over 50! It was difficult to spot who was going with who but that soon settled down and we looked to be seven: me, Martin Crapper, Kevin Thomas, Nick Kay, Christina Cooper, John Clarke, Pete Hanks and Rob Drohan.

It wasn’t my fault! Jinx I might be but this was someone else’s fault!

Having waited for Rob to finish his phone call we set off left out of the gate and along to common lane. It’s about a quarter of a mile. How can you lose someone in that distance, on our home turf?

We stopped at Common Lane and Kevin volunteered to go find Rob! And failed! Rob had vanished, as had the red ride. There was a tractor rally starting in Letwell so we decided that A) we would find him in Tickhill or B) he would be tractor tasting in Letwell. So we continued on our way.

We passed the Travellers Rest, up Malpass Hill and regrouped as we turned into Thornbury Hill Lane. Continuing along we made maybe another half mile before John’s front tyre needed the kiss of life. If you’ve wondered, this wasn’t my fault either, I’ve never seen a buck to pass. It took less time to remove the valve, deflate the tyre, insert more slime, valve back in and inflate than it would have to remove the wheel and put a new tube on. He did need a big boys pump but Kevin was on hand and provided one.

We soldiered on down to the main road, right then left with eyes peeled for tractors. Not a one! We did see a small sign/ sign with small writing and a big arrow saying probably “tractors go left” but we went right and on to Gildingwells. Now we did see a tractor on the way to the rally - we knew that was the case as both driver and passenger had their Sunday best Mac’s on.

We went on our way through Gildingwells and into Woodsetts and then did another right and left, passing the butterfly farm on the way to North Anston. And from there we went on in brilliant sunshine to South Anston and Kiveton.

A quick left at the bottom of the long hill and an even sharper left onto the towpath. The towpath was heaven - this I claim responsibility for, I didn’t dig it or fill it but I did find it. We passed loads of dog walkers, some cyclists and even people we knew - Tina and John Musgrove with their dogs and since there was a pram involved I presume a grandchild. But since I was keeping a close eye on the dogs I can’t vouch for grandchild.

After a long while and some really pleasant cycling we came to Shireoaks, crossed the main road and were back on the towpath; this time with proper tarmac. Ok it’s a single file path but since it was quiet we could still chat away.

We made it to the café at Cuckoo Wharf which looked suspiciously uninviting. But bikes parked and the man (young lad really) said he could cope but luckily a very truncated yellow limousine arrived with owner, chef and all round good guy. On his day off he opened the kitchen made the drinks and went off to Clumber park. We had drinks and energy bars!

Once done we set off along the towpath, missing out the very narrow grassy bit, and then turned up towards the hospital. A landmark not a destination!

Onwards towards Blyth but turning down Hundred Acre Lane to Carlton. We had only just turned right on the main drag back to Tickhill when a familiar jersey on a bike approached. It was Mick Lee on his first ride since I don’t know when, looking very cheerful and healthy. We had a chat reminded him to drink and parted company. Now when I say “we” I don’t mean all of us, Nick was out in front with his head down and didn’t notice what had happened. We never saw him again. He was with us longer than Rob though!

The route took us right in Oldcotes and past the Manor Café and on towards Styrrup. Pete left us to go home leaving four of us to continue on to the cricket club where we met some of the red ride before going our separate ways.

Best buy for me was the towpath - I could do it again lumpy though it was!

Blue ride to Worksop