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Blue ride to Potteric Carr

  • Date: 04 June 2023
  • By: Martin Crapper

It was a cool morning but warm enough for four of us to ride: Anita Twohig, Robin Hayward, Martin Crapper an Kevin Thomas. We set off through the village and along Wilsic Lane, familiar to Anita and Kevin as they had just cycled in along it!

But into Wilsic and then Wadworth turning left to go down Tofield Road. A nice downhill section although resurfaced with gravel. Under the motorway and more downhill before the tricky bit of carrying the bikes up the steps to the old railway embankment. A fair sprinkling of dogs and walkers on the way.

Having crossed the A60 we rejoined the track and eventually turned left to pass B&Q. With a few traffic islands and help from lights we crossed the busy junction and headed towards the Yorkshire Outlet. With several stops for traffic we made it to the path around the lake. The weather had kept the number of walkers down so we had little trouble going clockwise round the perimeter path, under the bridge and around the little bulbous end.

From there it’s only a short distance to the café at Potteric Carr where we locked the bikes and headed inside. Since it was only about 10.30 we settled for drinks - we weren’t burning off the calories! And we settled in the comfy sofas. So comfy we didn’t want to leave.

Eventually we did leave and followed our outward route down the side of B&Q and then went straight on onto the unmade track. Three of us had nobbly tyres and I didn’t/ couldn’t hear Kevin complaining!

We made it safely passed the sea of brambles and nettles and up and over the motorway. From there it was a pleasant ride through the lakes and passed the Amazon factory where we were treated to the sight of a string of Amazon transits delivering your gizmos.

The route took us passed Aldi’s where we stopped for a description of murmerations and the went onwards into Rossington. It didn’t matter that the crossing was closed we just went round the outside of the traffic and turned right. We meandered eventually following the service bus to the road back to Tickhill. We would have found our way but it gives a bit of confidence to know someone else is set on escaping the mass of little roads.

Back on Stripe Road we made good time to the junction where we needed to turn right not Tickhill. Everybody and their mothers were queueing and we needed a very nice car driver to let us out! They do exist.

We arrived back at the cricket Club at 11.30 having done 20 miles- not sure what happened to the other 6 miles.

Robin set off for home and as Anita and Kevin were going along Wilsic Road for the 3rd time I joined them to help family house moving. A funny day, but an enjoyable ride.

Blue ride to Potteric Carr