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Blue ride around the two bridges, or not!

  • Date: 07 May 2023
  • By: Martin Crapper

There was a large-ish crowd of cyclists chatting away when I arrived at the cricket club but not a potential blue groupy amongst them. Fortunately Rob Drohan turned up and became the first of three part timers.

It was a great day for a ride, light breeze, warm but overcast and I was super confident it wasn’t going to rain, well it was a blue ride!

We left the red riders to head out and followed at a better pace. Right out of the gate and left towards Bawtry with lots to talk about - mainly about Rob having had a better offer and was going partying soon. So he left me in Bawtry to try and find my way alone, whilst he went home to get either his tuxedo or Hawaiian shirt and shorts for the do.

I upped the pace in case anyone thought I was lost and needed help. It seemed to work and I knew there should be, might be, company ahead. So onward through Newington, Misson and on to Westwoodside. With the village in sight I also saw two sets of club kit coming towards me. They stopped and I met up with Nick Kay and Pete Hanks for the rest of the ride. The rest of the ride being up for discussion - and we decided on a plan B. We were going to go along the river towards Gainsborough.

We went right along Akeferry Road to Graiselound. And then straight on to Owston Ferry before turning back down the river. It had been noticeable that traffic was exceptionally light and it continued that way. Not much wind either as we sped along through West Stockwith, Walkeringham and into Beckingham.

Now at this point our collective decision making ( bit of buck passing normal on a club ride) went wrong! We opted for a new coffee stop and sailed past the lemon tree café, the closed greasy spoon just beyond and regretted our decision at the little garden centre. It’s closed on Sunday!

More democracy in operation and we decided to go back to Beckingham, up to the river and along the river bank. It was a pleasant diversion! A diversion with no traffic that is until we had crossed the bridge and were trying to cross the little car park to reach the riverside walkway. Half the cars in North Lincs seemed to be jockeying for a space! So taking to the grass I avoided them all and chased Nick and Pete along to the café.

We ordered and sat outside. As we waited the air ambulance paid a visit parking near the pub at the bridge. We ate up, drank out coffees and set off expecting to see activity of the aerial sort. But they had gone! Making no noise! Even we made some noise.

But along the bank and back into Beckingham, passed the garden centre café that never was and on to South Wheatley. For the record and in the interests of accuracy, the café is open Monday to Thursday or Monday to Saturday depending on which of the signs you read! It is definitely shut on Sunday.

South Wheatley, North Wheatley and into Clayworth where I had to say good by to the other two part timers. They were good company and kept me going. But now on my own I was sweltering in the unexpected heat and humidity. Foolishly I undid the zip on my jersey a few inches. Heart rate switched from 120 to 45 in seconds even though my body was telling me something different!

Drakeholes, Ranskill and then via the Serlby golf course I went on making my way homeward. The planned route was 61 miles and I was looking at just over 50 if my mental arithmetic was in working order.

I made it home - no point in going the extra quarter mile to the cricket club - and headed for the shower. Sorry that’s it! Ride over. A really good few hours out.

Blue ride around the two bridges, or not!