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Our Tickhill Gala stall successfully raised £273.10!

  • Posted: 07 July 2024

We had a great day at the Tickhill TVC GALA. The day started with collecting the table from TCC, setting up the gazebo, bikes, and more, with help from Ady, MBo, and Gary. Jon Knott arrived with his recumbent bike, which was a hit. We organized Chris Sidwell’s table and the Raleigh bike display, and it looks like a few books were sold too. The weather was fairly kind to us, which was a bonus.

Pete helped me bring over the prizes from home, though I had to go back to fetch the forgotten Tombola. Jenny and Carol did a great job setting up the prizes across three tables. The TVC stall looked fantastic—dare I say, even better than last year!

We had eager visitors arriving before 12:00, and ticket sales kicked off right away. There were lots of visitors, and we had at least two or three very promising potential new members. Ady and Pete took turns on the Turbo, though I’m not sure how much that helped. We also had some fun with a competition called "Where are Ady’s car keys?" At one point, we even had queues!

The ladies, joined by Alison, Diane, Kerry, and Mia, did a wonderful job engaging with our customers. Carol handed out Haribo to the kiddies, who were rewarded with sweets even if they lost!

Afterwards, we returned the TCC table and sneaked in a cheeky pint. We managed to sell all 500 tickets exactly at 3:00 PM, which called for a few high-fives.

The team completed the tear-down in just 30 minutes. A big thank you to everyone for their efforts and support. A special thanks to everyone who visited, helped before and on the day, and donated prizes—your generosity made this possible!